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Artificial intelligence can work like doctors in analyzing X-rays


Scientists said that artificial intelligence could provide doctor-like performance in analyzing X-rays. Tests using artificial intelligence software on millions of old scans diagnosed cases at least as accurately as radiologists 94% of the time.
According to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, the joint study conducted by the University of Warwick and King’s College London indicates that it may be good at avoiding human error when examining patient results.
The AI ​​software, which can scan X-rays as soon as they are taken, can understand the severity of each case and flag the most urgent cases immediately. The study researchers suggested that AI could be used to scan Dealing with chronic NHS staff shortages.
A recent study by the Royal College of Radiologists found that a shortage of specialist staff is leading to longer waiting times and delays in treatment across all cancer centers in the UK.
The researchers first fed the AI ​​model, called X-Raydar, nearly three million historical chest scans from 1.5 million patients and then taught it to check for 37 possible conditions.
The software was shown to be as accurate or sometimes more accurate than the doctor's analysis for 35 out of 37 cases. Dr Giovanni Montana, professor of data science at the University of Warwick and lead researcher, said: "This software has been trained on millions of X-rays and is extremely accurate.
The lead researcher added, “It removes the elements of inevitable human error and bias... If a patient is referred for an X-ray with a heart problem, doctors will inevitably focus on the heart rather than the lungs,” explaining, “This is completely understandable, but it involves "There is a risk of problems occurring that have not been discovered in other areas, and here this AI removes this human bias."
