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"Artificial Intelligence"... everything you need to know about the new technology


Since OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November last year, it has become impossible to ignore AI in our daily lives. People have become accustomed to using chatbots in many ways. Employees are turning to AI to automate tasks while at work, while others are using the technology to make improvements to their personal lives.
According to the “Business Insider” website, as artificial intelligence continues to advance, there may be a greater need for everyone, not just technicians, to understand what it is and how it can affect society, and here is important information about the technology:

Sam Altman: Co-founder and CEO of OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. In November, Altman was ousted by the OpenAI board of directors before he returned to the company as CEO days later. It's still unclear what sparked all the drama OpenAI has stirred up.

Satya Nadella: CEO of Microsoft, the software giant behind the AI-powered search engine Bing and Copilot, a suite of generative AI tools. Microsoft is also a major investor in OpenAI.
Dario Amodei: CEO and co-founder of Anthropic, a major competitor to OpenAI, where he previously worked. This company is responsible for the chatbot called Claude 2, and Google and Amazon are also investors in Anthropic.

AGI: This stands for “artificial general intelligence,” or the ability of AI to perform complex cognitive tasks such as demonstrating self-awareness and critical thinking the way humans do.

Alignment: The field of AI safety research that aims to ensure that the goals, decisions, and behaviors of AI systems are consistent with human values ​​and intentions. In July, OpenAI announced it was forming a team it calls “Superalignment” to focus on making its AI safe.
Deepfake: An artificial intelligence-generated image, video, or audio clip meant to look real and some tend to use it to trick viewers or listeners. Deepfakes have been used to create pornography without consent and blackmail people for money.
GPU: A computer chip, short for graphics processing unit, that companies use to train and deploy their AI models. Nvidia's GPUs are used by Microsoft and Meta to run their AI models.
AI hallucination: A phenomenon in which a large linguistic model generates inaccurate information and presents it as fact. For example, during an early demonstration, Google's chatbot Bard made a hallucination by generating a factual error about the James Webb Space Telescope.
Open source: An attribute used to describe a computer program that anyone can freely access, use, and modify without asking for permission. Some AI experts have called for AI-enabled models like ChatGPT to be open source so the public knows exactly how trained they are.
