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Steps.. How to hide conversations on WhatsApp permanently


The WhatsApp application allows you to hide chats permanently by archiving them, so that even if new messages come in that conversation, they will not appear. This feature is a great way to stop unwanted conversations, and prevent them from appearing in the main chats list.

WhatsApp allowed users to archive chats that kept them hidden until a new message arrived in the group, which then automatically unarchived them. In July, WhatsApp announced the rollout of new Archived Chats settings that will allow users to keep their archived conversations muted even when they receive a new message in a thread. Archived, meaning that all of your archived conversations will remain permanently hidden unless you choose to manually unarchive them.

How to hide conversations on WhatsApp permanently, follow these simple steps:

1- Open the WhatsApp application, and choose the chat you want to archive. It can be a group or an individual chat.

2- Three options will appear at the top: Install, Mute, and Archive (down arrow icon). Press the Archive button.

3- The archived section will appear at the top of your chat feed.

You can access the archive and see your hidden conversations at any time, and users can easily unarchive the chat by selecting the chat and clicking on the Unarchive option (up arrow icon) at the top.
